VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Technovision
Auteur : Killer1989
Date de création : 24-11-2010
posté le 24-11-2010 à 13:13:35

Supprimer les fichiers en double des lecteurs et nettoyer votre PC

In this paper, we are a very effective and professional examination called Duplicate File Finder. This is an excellent tool to compare not just another file utility, because he fit the contents and locate files TRUE duplicate files, even if they have completely different file name, location and size.

Duplicate Photo Finder option to exclude System, Read Only, Hidden duplicate files and zero byte files to search. Users can exclude certain file types or file extensions to search for a similar file. Users can limit search double files in selected folders and subfolders included. User can search profiles for duplicate files on your system to the selected criteria. The duplicate files search and results are displayed in a list. The result is grouped by different colors to help users to simply duplicate files.

Mp3 Duplicate Finder can find duplicates of different search engines. Compare file names, types, while others charge or byte hash to find duplicate files, even if the file size as well. Duplicate Image Finder checks the file size of all files in directories that store the user to scan for duplicate files selected and computes the hashes of all files in the same file size.

Remove Duplicate Files can move files and Trash are deleted, moved to a designated location. You may be able to cancel the session and all the duplicate files. Users can even export the report in a format of their choice. When deleting files are identical.

Find Duplicate Files records every activity and generates a detailed report. Connect report reflects the situation at a glance, while section detailed lists every action that has taken on the duplicate files.